Protecting the Planet - Shri Shri Gita Society

Protecting the Planet

Mother earth is our home, and it is our responsibility to protect it. It is our responsibility to protect mother nature for our life. We undertake varied range of activities to protect the planet such as:

Plantation: We do plantation activities like planting of trees and indoor plants. We encourage plantation everywhere from commercial buildings to the residential establishments.

Awareness Drive: We create awareness about cleanliness, reduction of carbon footprints like by using energy sources efficiently, reducing paper usage in the digital age; use daylights instead of electricity in the daytime and avoid using private vehicle for an individual use to give a gift of sustainability to the future generations . We also encourage use of recyclable products.

Animal Protection: Being the best species on the planet it becomes critical for us to take care of other species as well. Cow is not an animal, it has been regarded as sacred in Hinduism and called as “Gau Mata”. We protect and feed cows in Varanasi. Other stray animals also receives appropriate care in terms of food and medical attention. We strive to consistently work for the protection of animals. We aim to protect mother nature and animals, contributing wholly to the benefit of our planet earth.

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