Meditation - Shri Shri Gita Society


Meditation is a psychological state where a human being detaches himself from the material things of this illusionary world and find peace within. It is an introduction of one to its own soul, to know oneself better. It is a state of mind where you achieve the goal of effortlessness through the path of efforts. Meditation is a mental peace in form of absolute silence from the unnecessary things that surrounds your mind such as stress, anxiety, fear and worries. Practicing meditation take ones to that state where a person have no desire for future or regret for the past; where one simply cherishes the present moment of time with their inner-self. You enjoy of being yourself and you feel good by focusing on your breathing.

Mediation has become a must do activity in the recent times for bundles of goodness. It gives you full control on your body and mind, and the thought process. It is essential to control one’s thoughts, wrong thoughts can ruin your life as your thoughts are reflected in your behaviour and actions. Such behaviour possess devasting consequences. Mediation allows you to restore your mental peace and retreat from all kind of negative energies. It leads you to that state where you have nothing in your mind and your mind is like a blank page free from every thoughts and worries of life. It streamlines the flow of positive energy inside you. Once you attain the state of effortlessness, then you can focus on most important aspect of your life, curtailing the unnecessary things. It enables you to set some goals in your life, which gives meaning to your life. Mediations helps you to have a goal oriented life and to set the path for achievement of the goal. Meditation is a great healer for the people having psychological disorders.

Meditation is imperative for sound psychological well-being of humans. It improves concentration and reduces stress. People feel contented, relaxed, energized and goal oriented through meditation. Sometimes meditation acts as a life saver for the people who lives in acute stress. A person finds satisfaction in their life once they delve themselves in the world of meditation. We suggest that everyone should practice mediation every day to stay happy in their life to have a mental peace and relaxation.

Meditation is practiced in different form, we at Shri Shri Gita Society offers free meditation sessions for the welfare of human race. Our meditations sessions included Guided Meditation and Mantra Meditation.

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